Payload Example Power Meter

Payload Device Power Meter

To ensure that the Antares Insight service works properly, make sure that the payload sent by the user's device complies with the format specified in Antares Insight.

The following is an example of a payload on an Antares device that is in accordance with Antares Insight requirements based on decoder type:

1. Example Payload Input

Here is an example of the payload before passing through the Antares Insight decoder.

  "Ia": "1.265",
  "Ib": "2.891",
  "Ic": "2.828",
  "vll": "378.163",
  "vab": "378.163",
  "vbc": "374.163",
  "vca": "383.158",
  "vln": "218.159",
  "va": "219.041",
  "vb": "214.496",
  "vc": "222.749",
  "pf": "0.789",
  "kW": "1.212",
  "kVA": "1.523",
  "kWh": "5970459",
  "kVAh": "6716964",
  "freq": "50.145"

2. Decoded Payload Output

Here is an example of the payload after passing through the Antares Insight decoder.

  "currentR": 1.265,
  "currentS": 2.891,
  "currentT": 2.828,
  "voltageLineToLine": 378.163,
  "voltageRS": 378.163,
  "voltageST": 374.163,
  "voltageRT": 383.158,
  "voltageLineToNeutral": 218.159,
  "voltageRN": 219.041,
  "voltageSN": 214.496,
  "voltageTN": 222.749,
  "activePower": 1.212,
  "apparentPower": 1.523,
  "reactivePower": 0.9357208383866418,
  "totalActivePower": 5970459,
  "totalReactivePower": 6716964,
  "powerFactor": 0.789,
  "frequency": 50.145

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