General Prerequisites ESP32 LoRa

In this documentation, you will use LoRa connectivity for all ESP32 LoRa projects available in this documentation. The module used in this tutorial is the Lynx-32 Antares Development Board.

Before starting, make sure you have fulfilled the following requirements.

  1. Hardware Development Board Lynx-32, this board is used as a device to send data to the Antares platform.

  2. USB Type C cable and LoRa 915 MHz Antenna.

  3. Arduino IDE. This documentation uses Arduino IDE version 2.1.1.

  1. ESP-32 board on Arduino. In this documentation using ESP32 by Espressif System version 2.0.11

  1. Antares LoRaWAN Library. This documentation uses the Antares LoRaWAN library version 2.4.0.

  1. Antares account. With an Antares account you can access the Antares console and get an access key.

  1. Have Application and Device in the Antares Console on your Account.

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