Request Demo

Request Demo is a feature where you can access the Antares Insight demo page. On the demo page you are not given full access, you can only see the data that will be presented by Antares.

Steps to Request Demo

1. Open Overview / Insight Hub / Usecase Menu

Click one of the Overview / Insight Hub / Usecase menus, then there will be a pop-up notification that appears as in the picture below. Then, click ‘Request Demo’

2. Verify Phone Number

After clicking ‘Request Demo’ at the previous stage, you will be asked to verify your telephone number as shown below.

You can skip this step if you have previously verified your phone number on the Account Settings page.

After you click Complete Now you will be directed to the account menu to verify your telephone number.

3. Submit Form Request Demo

After you verify the telephone number, the page will be displayed as shown below.

Make sure the Name, Email, and Phone Number data listed matches your data, if it matches then click ‘Request’.

After clicking ‘Request’ you will get a pop-up notification ‘Thank you for your request’.

4. Check Notification by Email

Check your email registered to your antares account as you will also be notified by email regarding the demo account information provided by antares.

Last updated